Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Earth Day from Sugar Bear!

Happy Earth Day!

Today we celebrate Earth Day and remind everyone to do their part to recycle, conserve energy and help preserve our environment.

Sugar Bear and Super Sugar Crisp cereal did their part in 1971, offering kids the Sugar Bear Ecology Club kit. Here are some pictures from my collection.

Sugar Bear Ecology Club Certificate

Ecology Flag sticker:

Happy Earth Day!

On the back of the membership card, Sugar Bear reminds us:
  • Clean up your world
  • Litter hurts everyone
  • Each member must do his share
  • Animals are our friends
  • Nature belongs to all of us

Happy Earth Day!

Sugar Bear Ecology Club Fun Book

Here are two scenes from the Fun Book. Sugar Bear stops Blob and his big pollution machine.

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Raiders of The Lost Snacks

I've started a new photo group on Flickr, dedicated to snack food characters. It's called Raiders of The Lost Snacks.

I'm finding there are plenty of cool folks out there who love this kind of stuff too. Please join and contribute if you can.

If you don't know about Flickr, it's a Yahoo photo sharing site. You can get a free basic account which allows you to post up to 200 pictures, join groups and comment on other people's photos.

[ My other favorite group on Flickr is the Sugar Frosted Cereal Museum. ]

Snack away, cyber friends!

Note -- You may not be able to see all of the photos unless you've logged in to Flickr.

King Don
[ King Don, also known as King Ding Dong from Hostess Ding Dongs ]

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Return of The Frito Kid (a promising trend)

Time to muncha buncha Fritos Corn Chips!

In celebration of the 75th anniversary of that salty, crunchy goodness known as Fritos, we have been treated to a revival of none other than The Frito Kid.

I picked up this single-serve bag of chips at my local sandwich shop.

The Frito Kid was a bit before my time. (Now W.C. Fritos is another story, uh, for another day). Frito Kid represented Fritos from 1952 until 1967 when he was replaced by the infamous Frito Bandito.

I really love it when that often suppressed nostalgic side of companies slips out into public view. How cool it is to see classic advertising characters and packaging revived, even if just briefly!

Some other examples of this trend in recent years:
  • 2006-2007, Quaker brought back the barefoot pirate, Jean LaFoote, in Cap'n Crunch ads.
  • 2001, Hostess brought back Captain Cupcake for a Golden Cupcakes promotion.
  • Recent years, Burger King brought back the magical Burger King, though a bit creepy in a molded head.
Well, I sure hope this trend in advertising continues.

Back to the Frito Kid -- After some research on the web, I've found that there was (or still is?) a "Casa de Fritos" restaurant at Disneyland. I've never been to Disneyland, but Casa de Fritos sounds like my kind of restaurant, for sure!

While he became the official Fritos mascot in 1952, he had been featured in a cookbook in the late 1940s.

As the Frito Kid will likely be riding off into the sunset after the 75th anniversary celebration fades away, I'll leave you with a few pictures I found on the internet.

Happy 75th Anniversary, Fritos!

If you've got memories of The Frito Kid or even some information about Casa de Fritos, please post a comment here. I will be enjoying a Frito Pie in the meantime.