Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Funny Face Cartoon Series?

Funny Face cartoon series, you say? Yes, I did. And no, you are not dreaming!

My friend Dan at a sampler of things alerted me to the news that Renegade Animation has obtained the rights to make a pilot for a cartoon series based on the old Funny Face characters.

Funny Face was a powdered drink mix, like Kool-Aid, made by Pillsbury in the 1960s and 1970s. Each flavor featured a funny, anthropomorphic fruit character. Many kids from that era have such fond memories of Funny Face, and this will most certainly stir up more nostalgia in anticipation of the cartoon.

You can read more information about the project at Cartoon Brew who recently broke the news.

The characters featured in the picture above are:
  • Rootin' Tootin' Raspberry
  • Loud-Mouth Lime
  • Goofy Grape
  • Jolly Olly Orange
  • Freckle-Face Strawberry
  • Captain Black Cherry
  • Lefty Lemon
  • Choo Choo Cherry
There were several other Funny Face drink characters over the years, but this represents the nucleus of the gang.

I expect great things from this production. Renegade Animation does tremendous work, producing many wonderful shows such as the revival of Mr. Men which airs on Cartoon Network.

As the plans are currently to make a pilot, there's no guarantee that the series will be picked up for a run on TV. Along with the enthusiasm there's uncertainty. Because of that, I urge everyone to help spread the news! Notify your friends, post a note on your blogs, websites and social networks. We can help by creating a buzz about the show in advance.

If you're helping to spread the word, please post a comment in reply here. Include a link to your blog post, website, etc. where you're helping to spread the word. Thanks in advance!

Can you tell how excited I am? :-)


  1. What a great funny face cartoon series wish he all the best.

  2. Just checked out your Pizza Pete collection..... You missed a a premium item....
    From 1975 there was an Iron on Transfer of Pizza Pete in Australia.

    In 1975 I was manageing a Pizza Hut is Sydney and manufactured two new Piza Petes for the roof for a TV Commercial...The "your welcome " campaign.

    One of those life size marine ply Pizza Petes I still have...In mint condition....I have a pic somewhere....

    The owner of Pizza Pete had it registered and asked Frank and Dan Carney for considerable $$$$$$ for the use. They declined and we pulled down every Pizza Pete and wiped him from the face of the earth so to speak.

    Pizza Hut Inc was stareing down the barrel of a Ronald Mc Donald capital investment in a Character which would have eaten 2 mil US back in those dys...It was just easier to ditch good old Pizza Pete

    We also had a Pizza Pete Gingerbread Man with iceing and 100's & 1000's..... sold like hot ckes for 15 cents.... He got ditched as well.

  3. Here is a pic of Pizza Pete roof top variety...1975

  4. wow wow wow..
    that's cool!
