Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year from Sugar Bear!

I want to convey Happy New Year wishes to everyone for a great 2009!

- May your terrariums grow in new and glorious ways.

- May your cereal stay crunchy in milk, despite forces intent on making life soggy.

- May you always save 10 cents before the offer expires. It's a "limited time only", so make the most of it!

Happy New Year from Sugar Bear!

This box of Post Super Sugar Crisp is from early in 1975 and features the classic Terrariums offer. Kids from the '70s may have fond memories of these very curious cereal prizes which were given away on four different occasions during the decade.

Post Cereal Terrariums - 1975

Follow the simple instructions and watch them grow!


  1. Happy New Year! I wish I could open up a box today and find a terrarium or one of the baking powder powered water toys.

  2. [:::] Chris -- Me too! Those were the good old days, as they say. Happy New Year to you too. I added a link to your blog on my page.

  3. Happy New Year WW!
    I don't know if it was from this exact box, since Post cereals were rare in our parts at this time, but I definitely had one of these. I wonder if they were also packaged in Canadian cereals at the time?

  4. [:::] Glen -- Thank you, and Happy New Year to you! The terrariums were also in Alpha Bits. Not sure if you got those up in Canada. They certainly may have been in Honey-Comb or another cereal, but I've not found proof of it yet.

  5. I had at least two of these.

  6. Haven't thought about these in... well, I can't remember how long. I had one of these as a kid. I would go back and forth between Super Sugar Crisp and Trix.

  7. Remember getting those little terrariums like it was yesterday. What a cool prize! Thumbs up!

  8. Wow...I *totally* remember getting one of these when I was little...thank you!

  9. What kind of seeds were in there? Whas it the same as what on the Chia pets?
